Friday, September 28, 2007


What was I doing 10 years ago?

I had just graduated from high school. I had a very serious boyfriend of almost 2 years and thought I would be happy being away from him and going away to school. Wow, was I wrong. Young love - Where to begin. I got to UVSC and stayed for 1 1/2 months. I was so love sick it was sad. I thought I couldn't survive without my boyfriend. I moved home and started going to Weber State (Yes, go wildcats) Then, my boyfriend left on his mission a couple months later and I met my wonderful husband in a sales class. I guess Heavenly Father knows our paths beter than we think we know our own.

What was I doing 5 years ago?

I had lived in Idaho Falls for 1 year. I had an adorable 14 month old little boy and my life revolved around baby talk and anxiously awaiting Greg to get home from work everyday. We were just starting to make friends in Idaho (Andrea and Chuck, Stacey and Brian, Kristen and Steve, Lana and Adam, Jelair and Dave, and many more) and hanging out with our friends on the weekends. We had also just met our friends Bradey and Ali through the missionaries. We are so thankful Greg agreed to go on splits with them and ended up at the Lee's house (Bradey was the ward missionary in his ward) We were still not weaned completely from being home sick for Utah, so we traveled home a lot.

What was I doing 1 year ago?

One year ago was a very crazy, stressful, and hectic time for our family. We were just wrapping up the construction project of our new home, trying to sell our home before our new home was finished, and praying fervently that I would get pregnant. Everything worked out wonderfully, but I would not want to live that time in my life over again!

What was I doing yesterday?

Yesterday was crazy from start to finish. I cleaned the house, then I went to the mall, and then came home and spent some time on the computer, and then the true craziness began. 5:15 Cannon had an indoor soccer game, 6:30 Colton had a soccer game, 7:30 Greg had a football game, and then we decided to go with some friends after the football game to get some food. We showed up at 8:40 at a restaurant/ice cream place and it took 1 1/2 hours to get our food, eat, and pay our ticket. It was absoulutely ridiculous. By the time we got into the car, Cannon was asleep before we even pulled out of the parking lot and Colton was exhausted and very whiny. We made it home, got the kids in bed and I completely crashed into bed.

Five places I would rather be

1. On the Disney Cruise with my family

2. In Utah with all my family (even the ones out of state) staying up late and playing May I (card game)

3. On vacation anywhere with Greg and the kids (Disneyland or somewhere tropical)

4. On vacation with Greg (Hawaii, Mexico, Bahamas) drinking fruity drinks laying out and reading a good book

5. In bed watching T.V. or reading a good book

Five Treats I love

1. Sonic's Route 44 Limeades

2. Coldstone or Reeds Dairy Ice Cream

3. Christine's Chex Mix

4. Sandpiper's Creme Brulee

5. Starburst, Skittles, or Peanut Butter M&M

What I would do with a million Dollars

I would travel the world (Europe, Africa, South America), I would have Greg quit his job till I was sick of him and send him back to work, I would pay off my house, I would donate money to MS research, I would take my family and friends on a vacation, I would buy a coach purse and lots of designer jeans.

5 Favorite TV Shows

1. Gray's Anatomy

2. Dancing with the Stars

3. Batchelor

4. Survivor

5. Prison Break

My Most memorable things right now

Watching my boys play sports (including Greg) this includes all of them out in the yard playing catch with the baseball or football, Saying family prayers together, watching Colton get excited about something that happened at school, hot baths with the jets on, feeling the baby move in my tummy, discussing baby names, having Cannon kiss my belly and telling the baby he loves him, anticipating another boy in our home, anticipating the upcoming holidays

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Am Officially An Idahoan...

Today was a big moment for Cannon and me. I feel like I am officially an Idahoan after visiting and touring a potato farm today!

Cannon standing in the endless rows of potatoes

Cannon and his good friend Jace

Cannon in front of the potato tractor

Cannon and me standing in the big white cellar where potatoes are stored. If you look closely you can see the potatoes stacked up to the very top of the cellar. It was actually very amazing to me.

Cannon in the potato cellar

Monday, September 24, 2007

7 Weeks to Go...

Nesting - Top Seven Things I Need to Accomplish Before the Baby Comes...

1. Office Closets Dejunked and Cleaned Out

2. Get photo albums up to date (print all photos and put into album)

3. Deep Cleaning (baseboards, shutters, and the things that aren't fun to do)

4. Get the baby's clothes sorted through and washed

5. Get Colton and Cannon's closets cleaned out (summer clothes out-winter clothes in)

6. Get storage room cleaned out

7. Lay in bed while Greg gets all the other projects done that are bothering me. Poor Greg (It will be over soon)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Emily's Denver Experience...

I had a wonderful time in Denver. I didn't want to go home. This sums up my highlights of my trip...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Recipe for Saturday Football...

How many of you are in love with the pork at Cafe Rio (Utah) like I am. Here is a recipe I came across and it is pretty tasty. How many of your husbands are like mine on Saturday and love to sit on the couch all day and watch football. Here is the perfect recipe for you to fix for a Saturday marathon of football or possibly if you can talk your husband into it, an all day movie marathon. Put it in your crockpot on Friday and Saturday you can eat all day long. This recipe makes enough for me to freeze some left overs for another dinner.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Go Broncos...

The Broncos game was an absolute blast. It was an amazing game ending in overtime with Broncos winning 23-20. I am so glad that we got to go, especially Greg who has dreamed about going to a live Broncos game fo so long. He has been a fan since he was a little boy. After going once, he is determined to take the boys next year. Hopefully Grandma and Grandpa will babysit the new baby so I can go!

Colorado Rockies...

We had a great time at the Rockies Game. We sat on the 9th row on the 1st base line. It was a blast. It was a close game. We wish the Rockies could have pulled out the victory, but oh well. We still had a blast! The boys would have gone wild over how big this stadium is.

Monday, September 17, 2007

8 Weeks to Go...

You can't imagine how many people commented on my pregnant belly this past weekend in Denver. Have they never seen anyone pregnant in their city before? Yes, any comment that was said, made me realize all the more that I am so ready to NOT be pregnant anymore. So, I decided to do a pregnant post every week to count down the last 8!

Top Eight Reasons I Am Tired of Being Pregnant

1. When I look down towards my feet, I can no longer see them

2. I look in the mirror every morning at my belly and wonder if my skin and belly can stretch any bigger-but the next morning I realize it has

3. Why buy maternity clothes to change seasons for 8 weeks of wear, but I have nothing to wear. This somewhat creates a problem

4. I have to pull my leg with my hand when I want to cross my legs

5. I can no longer paint my own toe nails

6. I don't sleep very well because I am getting up at two hour intervals to use the bathroom - I might as well be up with a newborn

7. People ask "How much longer do you have?" I know they are thinking you are about ready to pop!

8. Everything feels uncomfortable. How much bigger can I really get?

No this is not my belly - just thought a picture would help you feel my pain!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Where Have I Been?

Back in July, I asked Greg to take me on a little vacation before the baby comes. He said no, because he didn't want to spend the money on a little getaway. I looked on Southwest's website and found airfare to Denver for $100.00 roundtrip. Then I got this sneeky little idea that if we went to a Bronco game he wouldn't turn down the vacation idea. Going to a Bronco game has always been Greg's dream. So I proposed the idea and sure enough he was estatic and jumping at the chance to go to a real live Bronco game. I got everything booked, and this past weekend we had our Denver getaway. Everything about the vacation was perfect. Yes, I had to attend a couple of sporting events, but we had shopping time, relaxing time, and ate at some wondeful restaurants. It couldn't have been any better. Watch for all our vacation pictures to be downloaded soon!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cannon Turns 4...

Yes! We went to the most germ infested place (Blast Off) in town to celebrate Cannon turning 4. But, what a great place to take boys to run around and get their pent up energy out. Cannon had a great time!

Presents Cannon received...

Mac Trailer

Spider Man


The Chipmunks Halloween DVD

Scooby Doo Cars

Giant Cars Coloring Book

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cannon Learns to Ride a Two-Wheeler...

Cannon learned how to finally ride his two-wheeler all by his self. We have been working on this all summer. His double dutch personality would kick in when we would let go of the bike and he would get mad and storm off and go inside the house and tell us he was done trying to learn. Last week, I asked him if he would like to try to ride his bike. He excitedly replied YES and hopped on. I gave him one pushed and let go and he was off. He has been riding ever since. YEAH! Another milestone was reached at the DeVries home.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Pumpkin Bars...

With the weather changing, I have started to crave pumpkin bars. I want fall to come, but not the bitter cold. Here is a great recipe if you are like me and craving the season change.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day of School...

Colton's first day of 1st grade was August 20th. He loves first grade. His teacher's name is Mrs. Blatter. He has a lot of his friends from the neighborhood in his class. Ashleigh, Brittney, and Caitley Neider, Gracie Shirley, Tanner Rasband, and Jaden Thompson. He has had no trouble adjusting to first grade. He also loves to eat school lunch.

Cannon started his first day of preschool today at Ms. Karla's. He was so excited to go. He loved all the toys she has to play with. I think this will be a fun year for him. We hope that he behaves himself and doesn't show Ms. Karla his true colors to soon!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Beginning...

I am starting a blog. After seeing all of my cute friend's blogs it has inspired me to start my own. What a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. I hope you enjoy the journey we are about to begin!