Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Crew's 6 Month Stats...

This is more for my information, but here is Crew's 6 month stats...
16.25 lbs. and 27 inches long.
My boy is growing fast!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy...

Happy Birthday to the most amazing lady in the whole wide world.  Mom, I hope you have a wonderful day and take time for yourself.  I wish I could be there and pamper you and spend time with you today.  I love you so much!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend...

I am ashamed to say that I didn't take one picture this weekend, but here is a recap of our weekend.  
Thursday-The kids had their last day of school.  Wow, I can't believe this school year is over.  It went by so incredibly fast.  Colton did so great in 1st grade.  He has grown so much and learned so much.  He is reading great, but wished he could have the whole summer off from reading.  I won't let him, but hopefully he can continue to increase his reading level through the summer.  He is excited for his teacher for 2nd grade and is ready to enjoy his summer vacation.  
Cannon misses the kindergarten deadline by just 16 days, so he will be attending preschool again.  He is sad to watch all of his close friends go to kindergarten in the fall, but he will enjoy one more year in preschool.  So, after Colton got home from school, we went to Sun Valley for the night.  We had a great time in our favorite pool and enjoyed eating at Smokey Mountain Pizza.  
Friday-We got home from Sun Valley and packed our trailer for camping.
Saturday-Camping.  We went camping to Bone for the weekend.  We love this spot and have enjoyed the last two years camping here during Memorial Day Weekend.  Thanks to our friends for letting us go with them.  The boys absolutely love camping.  Here are a few things they love...
-Roasting Marshmallows
-This year they were way to interested in the fire, they are on their way to being Pyromaniacs.
-Sleeping in the trailer
-Getting dirty
-Riding Bikes
-Riding 4 Wheelers
-Eating Junk Food  
Monday-Got home from camping and unloaded the trailer.  But, the best part of getting home is the shower.  
We had a great weekend.  I love spending time as a family and seeing Colton and Cannon doing something they love.

We had a little funny experience Sunday night camping.  We were sitting by the fire visiting, laughing, and telling silly stories.  All of the sudden, we heard some weird noises in the trees behind us.  We listened and kept hearing weird noises.  After turning car lights on and looking for the noise, we decided it must have been an animal.  Well, we decided to get the kids in the trailers for the night and go to bed.  Greg left to go lock the gate, and the boys and I went into the trailer.  Then I felt the trailer move and it seemed like someone had hit the trailer.  Then I felt a few more jolts.  I was freaking out by this point and was just barley lifting the blinds to watch for Greg to get back.  Finally I see Greg get back in the car and jumped out of the trailer to tell him someone was outside in the camp.  Once out of the trailer, I see our friends Bradey and Heath.   They had planned everything out and come up to camp to scare us and they did!  

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Layout...

I wanted to tell my friend Carly, thank you so much for my new blog design.  Seriously, she is so incredibly talented.  Every template she does is original, so if you are in the market for a new look for your blog contact Carly.  Here is her information.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What's UPPPPP?

Just a little recap of our weekend.  We enjoyed the beautiful weather!  Our friends had a BBQ on Friday night.  It was so fun to eat food on the grill and tons of yummy side dishes.  It felt amazing to sit outside in the nice weather and enjoy spring for the first time here.  We have been waiting a long time for that!  Saturday we worked out in the yard all day.  We set up the kids blow up water slide and they had a blast.  Then our neighbors set up there water slide and the kids stayed out till 9:00 p.m. playing on it.  Did I say already how happy I am to have nice weather?  Well, it isn't going to last for long because it is suppose to get cold again right in time for Memorial Day weekend.  I am really sad about this, because we were planning on going camping and it ruins all the fun when it is bad weather.  So, we will be watching the weather closely all week.  
On another note, this is the last week of school.  I am so excited to have the kids out for the summer.  No more car pool, sack lunches in the morning, and homework especially.  Colton is already crying and complaining that he has to still read this summer, but hopefully we will get into a routine and get it done in the mornings.  I am excited for summer and what is waiting for us.  
-Swimming at Apple
-T-Ball & Baseball
-Summer Vacations
-No Schedule
-Kids playing outside
-Late night walks with Greg and the kids
-Homemade Ice Cream
-Grilled dinners
-Snow Shack
-Family Time
-Seeing Neighbors More 
-Warm Weather

 Yea for Summer!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Flashback Friday

6 years ago, Greg and I went on a trip to Mazatlan, Mexico with some friends. We stayed at a really nice resort. One afternoon we were laying by the pool and a really good looking guy walked by. No, our agenda wasn't to scope out guys, but it was unusual to see someone who wasn't a Mexican native vacationing at this resort. So we were kind of starring at him for a few minutes. (His lawn chair was across from ours) About 20 minutes later, a waiter brought us some non-alcoholic smoothies. He said the guy in the black swim suit had sent them to us. We started freaking out, because the guy who had sent the drinks to us was the good looking guy we had noticed earlier. So, we decided to go tell him that he had just made three married women feel really good about themselves and thanks for the drinks. When we went to tell him thanks, this is how the conversation went... (Girls) Thanks for the drinks! (Guy) Your welcome, what are your names? (Girls) We tell him our names and then ask what is yours? (Guy) My name is Jeff. (Girls) Where are you from? (Guy) Washington. (Girls) Thanks have a nice trip! (Guy) Well my name really isn't Jeff. (Girls) What is it? (Guy) Matt (Girls) So are you Matt from Montana now? (Guy) No, Matt Damon. (Girls) Little squeals and giggles, Me being stupid reaches out and pulls down his sun glasses and screams "It is Matt" Then we ask to get our pictures taken with him and then people realize who he is and start coming up to him. Matt leaves the pool and we can't stop talking about this experience. The next day we wanted to be out by the pool first and hope that Matt Damon would come back to the pool. Minutes later after we pick our spot he sits 2 lawn chairs away from us. We didn't talk to him this time, we mostly just pretended to read our books and stare at him. Yes, we were really star struck.
So we look back on this experience and wonder why he sent us the drinks. The conclusion we came to is, he probably sent us those drinks because he thought we recognized him and knew who he was and we were being cool by just letting him enjoy his vacation. But, we ruined that by going up to him after the drinks were sent. But, it was fun to get a picture with a famous movie star and this is a story I will never forget.
By the way, Matt was with a girl and our husbands knew about our little infatuation we all had with him for a couple days!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

6 months already...

Crew 2 days old

I can't believe that my baby is 6 months old today.  The past month he has learned to...  
-Roll from his back to his stomach
-He turns himself sideways in his crib and pokes his feet out the rails.
-He is starting to grab for everything, even my plate when I am eating.
-He absolutely has to have his bed when he is tired. (This drives me crazy when I am out and about.  He use to just fall asleep in his carrier)
-He is half nursing, half bottle fed.
-He is not a very good sleeper anymore.  (We are going to work on this one)

We love you Crew!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Brady...

Happy Happy Birthday to my brother-in-law Brady!  We are so glad that you are a part of our family.  You are so fun to be around.   Thanks for always finding time to play with Colton and Cannon when we are down.  We hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me...

Heavenly Father has given me these 3 wonderful and handsome boys to raise and be a mother to.  I am so incredibly grateful to be a mother.  Motherhood brings so much happiness to me. Even though it is hard and challenging some days, I would never ever trade it. 
Here is one thing I love most about each of them right now...
Colton is such an incredible brother.  He looks out for Cannon and Crew and would do anything for them.  He is a great example to them and tries really hard to make good choices.  Tonight Greg asked him if he wanted to go to the Jazz game in Utah on Sunday.  He looked puzzled at Greg and said, "We can't." and Greg asked why and Colton said, "because it is on Sunday." 
Cannon is my little partner everyday.  Most days I know he is bored and most days I just drag him on errands, but he is my partner and I love that he is home with me everyday.
Crew is such a happy happy baby.  His smile melts my heart.  He is so fun to have around and I am thankful that Heavenly Father knew this baby would bring such a special spirit into our home at this time.
Thank you Heavenly Father for entrusting me with these amazing sons.  I am so thankful to be a mother!!!

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to the greatest Mom in the whole entire world.  She is so amazing and I hope that I can be like her when I grow up!  My Mom truly has a heart of gold and would do anything for anybody.  She puts everybody before herself no matter what the situation is.  I hope you know Mom how much a look up to you and admire you.  Heavenly Father blessed me with the greatest Mom in the whole entire world!!!!  I could list a million things that I love about her, but here are a few...
-I have never heard her say anything bad about another person in my entire life.  That truly is a Christlike quality!
-She has such a strong testimony and always chooses the right!
-She is very giving.  She would give the shirt of her back to someone even if it was her last.
-She is an amazing listener.  I can tell her anything and she is definitely my sounding board.  Thanks for always being there for me.
-She is a wonderful mother, wife, and grandmother.  My kids love her so so much!
-She is an amazing cook.
I love you Mom and hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.  I wish I could be there with you to celebrate!
My Grandma was like a second Mom to me.  She was so involved in my life and supported me in all of my extra curricular activities.  I love her so much and enjoy every second I get to spend with her.  She is so funny and can truly light up a room.  She has a strong testimony and always chooses the right.  She takes her calling in the temple so serious and she has made many lifelong friends there through her calling.  She is a wonderful Grandma and Great Grandma.  Thank you for being a part of my life and always being there for me.   I love you!
This is my mother-in-law and she is also an amazing mother and grandmother.  She raised a wonderful son and I am so lucky to have him as my husband.  She is so kind and giving and has accepted me into their family with a loving heart.  I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.  

These 3 women do so much for my family and I hope they know how much I truly love them. Thank you for all you do for me and my family.  

Happy Birthday Laurel...

Happy Birthday to my little sister Laurel. I hope you have a wonderful day. We love you so much.
L-oving. Laurel is very loving. She is a genuine person and shows love to all she comes into contact with!

A-unt. Laurel is a great aunt. She is so good with kids. I am thankful for the time she gets to spend with my boys!

U-nderstanding. Laurel is a great listener!

R-eliable. Laurel is a hard worker and always reliable. She follows through with anything she says she will do!

E-xcitement. She has a zest for life and lives life to the fullest!

L-aughter. She is always in a great mood and is so fun to be around!

Thanks for being a great sister!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Us...

May 8, 1999 @ Salt Lake Temple
Engagement Picture
Bridal Picture

October 2007
Feb. 2007

March 2008

Today is our 9th Anniversary! I wished we still looked as young as we did in our wedding picture, but I wouldn't trade our last 9 years for anything. Thanks Greg for 9 wonderful years and 3 amazing sons. You are a wonderful husband and an amazing Dad. It has gone by so fast. I still remember the day we met. It seems like yesterday. We met in a Technical Sales class at WSU and became friends right from the start. We went on our first date to an USU football game and had a great time. After that date, we were inseparable. I hope our future is filled with health, happiness, and spending lots of quality time together building memories with each other and our boys.
Here is just a few things I love about Greg
G-reg is a Hard Worker. He is so conscientious. He is a natural born salesman and gives 100% to his job everyday!
R-egulary Sarcastic (Greg is sarcastic all the time, but he sure knows how to make me laugh.)
E-njoys Watching and Playing Sports. (ESPN is always on at our house. He loves any sport and loves to watch and play them all)
G-reat Husband, Father, and Person.

Monday, May 5, 2008

School Family BBQ...

Colton's elementary school puts on a family BBQ at the end of every school year.  The BBQ was on Friday and we had such a great time!  

Quick Trip = Jazz Game

We took a very quick trip to Utah this past weekend.  Greg ended up splurging on 4 Jazz tickets to game 6 against the Rockets.  Greg was planning to go to the game with Colton, Cannon, and me, but I bailed at the last minute.  The game didn't start till 8:30 and I knew Cannon would probably be tired and whiny during the game and a new outfit was calling my name.   So, Greg sold my ticket to my brother-in-law and scalped the other ticket before the game.  Greg and Colton had an amazing time.  I am glad that Colton idolizes his dad and enjoys every second he gets to spend with him.  I am glad that they were able to go to the game and cheer on the Jazz. While they were at the game, my parents treated Cannon and me to dinner and ice cream and then we watched 27 dresses.  Saturday we woke up had breakfast, played some cards and headed home.  We did make a short detour to Maddox for lunch.  YumO!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I have set a goal to run the 5K in Idaho Falls on the 4th of July.  I just started training this week and already want to quit.  It is so hard to run and I am so sore.  So, I am posting this here so I won't give up.  It is out there now, so back to the training.  Hope I can stick with it!