Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Colton...

Colton the day he was born
Colton 1 year old

Colton 2 years old

Colton 3 years old

Colton 4 years old

Colton 5 years old

Colton 6 years old

Colton 6 1/2 years old

I can't believe my first born is 7 years old today. He has such a big heart and has so many amazing qualities for a 7 year old. Colton was born after 10 hours of labor. He was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. His leg was completely purple up to his kneecap and his breathing was very shallow. Colton then was admitted to the NICU for testing. Greg went with Colton and the doctor's gave Colton an X-ray. The X-ray results came back and he had an air bubble in his lungs. Greg gave Colton a blessing and within minutes his oxygen levels were at 100%. I did not get to hold or see Colton for the first 4 hours of his life, but I have cherished every moment with him since. Since Colton was my first baby, we spent many hours reading books, signing songs, and coloring. He was such a good baby.

Colton has taken his role as big brother very seriously. He takes such great care of Cannon. He helps Cannon brush his teeth, get dressed, make his bed, etc. everyday. Cannon has become really lazy because Colton takes such good care of him. Colton is obsessed with having everything orderly. He can not focus on anything else until all of his clothes and room is in perfect order. The last year Colton has become completely addicted to sports. He has learned to be aggressive and spends many hours a day shooting hoops, catching and hitting the baseball, and throwing the football. He loves to watch ESPN int he morning and knows so much about all the major sports teams and players. Colton is a good student and has worked hard on his reading the past year. He is a good friend to everyone he is around. He also loves to choose the right. He doesn't miss a night of saying his prayers and loves to go to primary. I am thankful to have Colton in our family and look forward to many, many more years to enjoy his fun personality.

C-ourageous. Colton always tries to choose the right. He is a good example to his friends and family.

O-bsessed with sports. Colton is obsessed with sports. He likes certain teams for the strangest and funniest reasons. He makes his Grandpa, Grandma, aunts, and uncles so mad because he doesn't like BYU. His dad loves it.

L-oving. Colton is very loving and truly gets his feelings hurt if he gets in trouble. He always tries to make his Mom and Dad happy. He wants everybody to be proud of him.

T-otally adorable.


N-icest big brother.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Meet the Chukars...

Colton & Cannon with some of the players
Colton & Cannon with Devery in the dugout
Colton & Cannon standing in front of Devery's locker
One of the players who thought Crew was so cute.  He had just given him a ball.

Saturday was a dream come true for my boys.  We were able to go to a meet the Chukars picnic at the ball field.  This is our local pioneer league team and my boys are big fans. I really thought it would be lame and that a ton of people would be there, but boy was I wrong. There were only about 20 kids there and it was an amazingly fun afternoon.  When we got there, all the players were walking over to the picnic area from the locker room.  We were in line to get our lunch and then the announcer told us to find a picnic table and sit with the players.  We sat with Devery. Devery Van De Keer is Colton and Cannon's favorite player. We go to a lot of games and Devery always chats with the boys after the game and always is so sweet to them. After the boys got done eating, they were able to go to every table and get every single player's autograph on the team. Colton had them sign his Chukars shirt. He was so excited to get all of their autograph's. At each table he would go to, he would ask them what position they played and where they were from. During this time, every table we went to the players were so obsessed with Crew. They would all rub his head and tell him how cute he was. The players were also obsessed with Cannon and Crew's names. They all said they wished their parents would have named them that. It was really funny. Then the kids got to go in the dugout and sit with the players and then they got to go into the locker room and find their favorite players locker. Then they got to go to the announcer booth and announce their favorite player's name over the loud speaker that goes throughout the stadium. It was such a fun day and the boys were so excited. Then that night, we went to the chukars baseball game and Devery had the boys come to the dugout and get sunflower seeds from him. Then after Devery hit a grand slam, he gave Colton his bat. It was an ending to a perfect dream filled day for the boys.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Moving Water...

This just pulled at my heartstrings when I saw Colton moving water with his Grandpa and his Dad.  I have such fond memories of spending many many hours in the summer at my grandpa and grandma's house.  They lived on 22 acres and had horses and 2 big fields that they would hay.  I would love to go help move water and explore the fields with my cousins.  We could always find something to entertain our time.  From exploring the barns, to picking raspberries, to feeding the horses carrots, to building forts, to moving water and having water fights after, and the list goes on and on.  In the winter we would spend hours sleigh riding and walking through the trees and making snow paths.  My mind is full of amazing memories from Grandpa and Grandma's house.  After my Grandma passed away, my Grandpa moved into the basement apartment of the house and my parents bought my Grandparents house from them.  Now my children are lucky enough to start building the same memories I have.  So, when I saw Colton moving water, I just had to document it with a picture.  Colton also helped my Dad feed the cows and names them too.  He named one Chocolate Marshmellow and the other one Bowler.  What fun times!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crew is 8 Months Old...

Crew is 8 months old.  Here are some of his milestones the past month.

-Just received his first haircut today.

-Crew has learned how to scoot.  I really can't believe he is mobile now.  It is a lot more work to keep him happy.  But, I love that he is learning new things.

-Crew loves to eat anything that we are eating.  If we can get it small enough, he likes it.  He does not like baby food to well.  Some of his favorite foods are...
-Waffles or pancakes

-Says Da Da, but I don't think he knows it means daddy.  It is still cute though.

-He loves swimming and tubs.  He loves to sit and splash his hands.

-He sleeps through the night, but wakes up at 5:00 for a bottle and then sleeps until 8:30

-Loves the bike trailer

-Is happy any time he is being held

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Greg...

Happy #32 Birthday Greg.  I hope you have a wonderful birthday.  I hope you know how much we (me and the boys) love and appreciate you.  You are the best!

G-reat Dad - Greg is an amazing Dad.  His boys love and look up to him and he enjoys any time he gets to spend with them.
R-eally Obsessed - Greg is really obsessed with playing and watching any sport all the time.
E-nergetic Joker - If anybody knows Greg, you know he is always joking and making fun of something or someone.
G-reat Husband - Greg is a great husband and I am lucky to have married him and spent the last 9 years with him.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Twin Falls Temple...

Yesterday, we were able to take the boys to the Twin Falls temple open house.  We had taken the boys to the Rexburg temple open house a few months ago, but they seemed to really take everything in this time (the 2nd time around).  They loved looking thorough all the rooms and they really paid attention to the movie they showed us before we walked through.  We took them to lunch after, and talked to them about the importance of the temple.  It was a special day for our family.  I am thankful that we are a forever family.  The lady taking us through on the tour, told us in the sealing room that she grew up with 7 brothers and sisters and an alcoholic step dad, and all she dreamed about was having a different type of family when she got married.  Then she told how thankful she was to be sealed to her husband and children.  The spirit was really strong.  I hope my boys can remember this day!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nights at the Lake...

We have spent many nights at the lake the last week and half and are loving every second of it.  My dad so graciously let us borrow his boat for the month of July and we are taking advantage of every free second we have to spend the evening on the lake.  The boys are slowly getting more comfortable and daring and  we hope to have them water skiing in no time.  We love to take dinner up and enjoy the quiet beauty of the surroundings.  Boating is something that Greg and I have always enjoyed.  Greg loves to water ski and I enjoy the sunshine and relaxing.  But, I did get up on the slalom ski on my first try since I had Cannon.  I haven't skied since I had Cannon for some reason.  I am really proud of myself.  Hopefully I can pick up right where I left off since I gave it up a few years ago.  Thanks Dad for letting us bring your boat home.  We have truly loved it.  Hopefully we can spend many more evenings on the lake before the end of July!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July...

The 4th of July is one of our favorite holidays.  There is just something about parades, fireworks, family, BBQ's, and swimming that makes the day feel special.  We were lucky enough to have Greg's parents and brother, and my sister and her husband here to celebrate with us. We woke up at 6:00 a.m. so Greg, his brother Steve, and Colton could run in the 5K.  I know my goal was to run a 5K on the 4th, but since I ran in one a couple weeks ago, I opted out and let Colton run the first 1/2 mile with his Dad.  He was in heaven.  It was fun to pick him up and hear how excited he was about running in a part of the race.

Colton at the 1/2 mile mark

Then we went to the parade.  The boys had a great time this year and loved the anticipation of trying to catch the little candy that was thrown.   The adults enjoyed it too because we had great seats in the shade. 

Then we went swimming and to a family dinner party.  Then we rounded the night off at the fireworks.  The show was absolutely amazing.  It was a great day!  

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Birthday Recap...

Thank you to everyone for all the texts, phone calls, and in person birthday wishes today.  I had a fabulous day.  I woke up and was able to spend way to much time on the computer before getting out of bed.  Then I went to Colton's baseball game, where some sneaky friends had prearranged with Greg to surprise me and take me to lunch.  Then Greg and I went on the boat with the boys and spent the afternoon basking in the sun.  Then we rounded out the night with a little cake and ice cream.  Thank you Greg for the wonderful day, and to all my friends and family that took time out of their day to make sure my day was special.  My first day of 29 didn't feel so bad, hopefully the rest of the year will feel great too!

Happy Birthday Emily...

This is my first time using the good old blog.  What a treat!  It will probably be my last.  Enjoy! Happy Birthday to my bride.  She has finally hit the big 29, an age she will probably stay at for the rest of her life.  

E-xciting (She always keeps things entertaining and is the life of every party)
M-other (She is a wonderful Mom and her boys all adore her)
I-nvolved (She is very involved with running her boys around from sport to sport.  She loves to support her boys and watch their activities.  Her heart still hopes she can have a girl to watch ballet or cheerleading)
L-oving (She has such a big heart and is willing to help anyone)
Y-oung at Heart (Still loves to act like a kid every now and again)

Hope you have a good birthday Emily.  From the boys.