Saturday, June 27, 2009


One of the things the boys look forward to during the summer is going fishing with their Grandpa D. and their Dad. They were able to go a few weeks ago and caught their limit in 2 hours. The boys were so excited. The other day they asked if we could turn Grandpa W. boat into a fishing boat when we bring it home to our house.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Colton's Stitches...

At the end of April, we were so excited to attend our first BBQ of the spring with some friends. Shortly after we arrived, Cannon ran into the house saying that Colton was bleeding everywhere and was hurt badly. Greg and I went out to investigate and Colton had fallen on the tramp springs and cut his forehead open. We called our Dr. and he met us over at his office and stitched Colton's head. Colton was so scared to go because he thought it was going to hurt. He was so brave while at the doctor's office and said it didn't really hurt while he was getting all fixed up.



Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week in Utah...

We spent a week in Utah enjoying time with my family (we missed you John and Britt) as Greg and Colton spent the week at home while Colton finished his last week of school. We had a great time and it is always nice to enjoy time with family. Colton and Greg spent the week playing NBA Live on the Wii and not missing any of us at all.

We were busy every second in Utah. Here are some of the things we did. -Went to the movie Up and loved it -Went out to lunch a few times -Cannon went swimming at the N.O. pool and loved it -Boating twice and Cannon was so brave and loved the knee board -Card Games -Watching random T.V. shows and throwing in one good movie -Time with Cousins, aunts, uncles, & Grandmas and Grandpas