Thursday, January 28, 2010


Oh WOW...Scouts is a whole new world for me. When I went to my first pack meeting for scouts, I thought I had just arrived into a different world. The strange little chants that the boys do (and love) just threw me for a loop. Since I only had one brother, I didn't know anything about scouts. The only thing I remember from growing up is my brother working on his Eagle Scout project. But, I am learning to embrace scouts...I have to with 4 boys.

Colton was so excited to begin scouts, especially because most of his friends had already been going to scouts for 6-9 months. Colton was very motivated to earn his wolf badge. He worked really hard and earned his wolf badge in 6 months. Way to go Colton!



Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bye Bye Binki...

We finally decided to bite the bullet and get rid of Crew's binki. Crew was addicted to his binki. He loved it and he would have it everyday all day. We tried to limit it to sleeping, but he would always seem to find one and suck on it all day. We decided the best thing to break him from his binki was to just take it away. I stressed so much about taking it away and wondered how he would do. To our surprise, he did fabulous. He would ask for his binki a lot the first few days, but after that he did great. He was 2 years and 2 months old when we took it away. Binki=Check...Now on to potty training...UGG!


Throwing Binki in the garbage and saying bye bye


Our binki free 2 year old!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Creed is 1 Month Old...

-has the longest, prettiest eyelashes...they touch his eyebrows

-loves to be held-loves to be wrapped in a blanket

-likes his binkie

-is waking up 2 times each night to eat

-likes his swing

-smiled for the first time today

