Sunday, August 8, 2010

Colton's 9 year old pictures...



Creed is 8 months old...

This last month, Creed has learned a ton of new tricks...he is definitely keeping us on our toes now.

Crew 8 months

Crew 8 months #2
-He is crawling and gets into everything

-He can push himself up into a sitting position and can pull himself up to a standing position

-He still loves his baby food...he is eating 12 ounces of baby food a day and around 24 ounces of formula a day.

-He loves to play with toys

-He loves to scream...he is our first baby that has ever done this and it can get quite annoying ;)

-He takes 2 naps a day

-Had his first sleepover with Grandpa and Grandma

-Loves the tub

-Goes to bed around 7, gets up around 4:30 or 5 for a bottle and sleeps till 9 or 10

-Is off his heart medicine as of this week. We are watching him closely and checking his heart rate multiple times a day.

He is a happy baby, but likes lots of attention. We love him so much and can't believe he is only a few months away to being 1 year old. We are just trying to soak it all in and enjoy each stage he goes through.