Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Need a Good Laugh-Happy Halloween...

Greg went down to the storage room on Saturday night and came up the stairs wearing this!!!! It was all his idea.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Cannon Really Does Love Me...

Today Cannon accompanied me to the Doctor. I had to undress from the waist down. Cannon was very concerned about this. He asked me, "Is the doctor going to cut your stomach open and get the baby out?" I said no, not today. He got a little teary eyed and said if I let the doctor cut my stomach open, I will bleed and die. He said, "Just let the baby stay in your tummy forever because I don't want you to die." It was very sweet. Greg came into the room at this point and explained to him that they have a special knife to cut with and I won't die. He seemed to feel better after that explanation. We will see how he really feels once the baby gets here. I am thinking he is starting to feel a bit threatened and wouldn't care if the baby stayed in my tummy forever. It will be hard for him to give up that baby position in our family.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

2 Weeks and a Couple Days to Go...


1. The baby has some type of body part sitting right underneath my rib cage on my right side. The only way that I am measuring correctly is if they measure me on the right side of my stomach. Yep, the baby is really nesting on that side of my body.

2. Two weeks ago, my back started hurting soooo bad. I can't do much. Pretty much I have put myself on bed rest because that is the only way I don't feel the pain. Also, my belly has gotten sooooo big in the past two weeks, I can't even bend over anymore.

We Have The DATE....

We have officially set the date for the baby to arrive. I am scheduled to have my c-section 7:00 a.m. bright and early on November 14th. We are so excited to finally have our for sure date. I was hoping for 2 days sooner, but in the scheme of things what is 3 days. Maybe I will get lucky and go into labor sooner. I am dilated to a one and 25% thinned. I was only a one with Cannon the day I went in for my c-section. Maybe luck is on my side this time. The doctor predicted that my baby will be around 6'15. That would be awesome. Colton was 7'13 and Cannon was 8'3. It would be fun to have a 6 lber. Who knows...time will tell!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Embarassing Moments As A Parent...

Yesterday, I went outside to tell the boys it was time to come in the house. They had been out riding bikes around the neighborhood all afternoon. They come into the cul-de-sac with a ziplock bag of candy. I start the round of questions.... I find out they were going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.

Also this week I found out that the boys have been riding their bikes around the neighborhood door bell ditching.

The boys were out playing on the dirt hills today. A neighbor yelled hello to the boys. A construction worker was close by smoking.....Colton yells to the neighbor, "Watch out, the guy in red smokes." The construction worker politely waves to the neighbor.

These are those lightbulb moments when you ask yourself, "Haven't I taught my children to make good decisions?" So much for my comment to them every time before they leave the house, "Make good choices." I have a long way to go with this parenthood thing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monopoly Madness...

Colton loves to play games. He loves to play any kind of game. One game he loves to play with his Dad is Monopoly. The Monopoly tournaments usually are on Sunday night and we never know how long the game will take. As they play Monopoly, of course they have to watch football at the same time. This night the Broncos were on and Colton is faithfully wearing his Bronco jersey cheering on his team. Colton and Greg are both obsessed with covering the whole board with houses and hotels. The only good thing about this, is the game comes to an end pretty quickly after that happens. They run out of money real fast as they are paying each other every time they land on the other one's property.

Monday, October 22, 2007

3 Weeks To Go...

On Friday night I started getting a really bad back. I have had no trouble with this the whole pregnancy. Then by yesterday after sitting for 5 hours at church and meetings, I was in bed the rest of the day. It took four hours with the heating pad on my back to even start feeling a little better. The only reprieve is laying down. Sitting or standing is very painful. I hope I can make it 3 more weeks. Please pray that my water will break sooner!

Top 3 Things I am Looking Forward To With Having a Newborn...

1. The New Baby Smell. I could smell that scent all day!!!

2. Holding, Cuddling, and Rocking the baby.

3. Watching Colton and Cannon adjust to having a new baby brother in our home.

and if I could do 4, of course I would say my very expensive vacation at EIRMC. lol

Monday, October 15, 2007

4 Weeks To Go...

Only four weeks to go. I am counting down the days to feeling better (baby out of ribs, being able to see my feet, being able to sleep on my stomach, etc.) but I am also losing some of my Mommy freedom. I am alone 4 times a week for 2 hours. I get to look forward sitting on the couch all day nursing. YEA

Top 4 Baby Names Under Discussion

1. Creighton Ron (Cannon & Emily)

2. Carter Ron (Colton)

3. Cooper Ron (Greg)

4. Crew Healy (Emily)

Hopefully this baby will come home from the hospital with a name. It has been a topic of discussion for the past 16 weeks. I guess eventually we will see who wins out!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Harvest...

This year the boys decided that they were going to be the ones to decorate the porch for Halloween.

This is what they came up with. They were really impressed with their stuffed scary boy they made with Greg!

The boys also love the white pumpkin their Grandpa D. gave them - He grew it in his garden!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Flag Football...

We just ended our first season of flag football for Colton. Although the game was really confusing to these little 6&7 yr old boys at first, the season ended up being a fun learning experience for Colton. He really picked up the rules of the game and enjoys playing football. After a shaky start, their team made it to the championship game. They took 2nd, and Colton even made his first touchdown this year! Everyday when he gets home from school, he will go in the front yard and throw the football in the air to himself and play catch or Colton and Cannon will play football together. I love to look out the window and see the boys playing football together in the front yard.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What Does Colton's Teacher Think...

Not only was it bad enough to send Colton to school without a snack for his party at school, but we have had another incident that is making me wonder what in the world his teacher is thinking about my mothering skills. Yesterday morning I told Colton he had to eat school lunch because we didn't have any bread because we got home from Utah Sunday night and I didn't want to have to break the Sabbath. Colton reluctantly agreed that he would eat school lunch. Well, he said he was hungry still when he was walking out to catch his morning bus, so I sent him with a small pack of Teddy Graham crackers to eat while he waited for the bus. Well he got home from school yesterday and started to tell me that he told his teacher he brought his lunch from home and would not be buying school lunch. So, as his class was walking down to the lunch room, he pulls out his half eaten pack of Teddy Grahams. His teacher asked him if that was all his mom packed him for lunch and he said yes. She then proceeded to tell Colton that he had to buy hot lunch because that wasn't enough lunch for him. Yes, I am completely mortified. What does she think of me. Does she actually believe that is all I would send him to eat for lunch? Oh well, hopefully next time I am at the school I can explain the real situation to her.

Colton - Tagged...


Monday, October 8, 2007

5 Weeks To Go...

Top 5 Memories Of Pregnancy #3

1. We had been trying to get pregnant for quite some time, after 4 days of negative pregnancy tests, March 21st we had 2 pink lines.

2. When the doctor told us we were going to have a boy after thinking for a month we were having a girl. Even though this was a hard few days to adjust to the idea of having another boy, it will be a story we will never forget!

3. Having Colton, Cannon, and Greg rub, kiss, and talk to my belly.

4. Talking about baby names...We all want something different.

5. Feeling the baby move inside my belly.

We can't wait for our precious little boy to arrive here on earth into our family!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Conference Weekend...

We went to Utah for a long Conference weekend. We actually could stay more than one night and it was wonderful. We had such a fun time. The highlight of our weekend was taking the boys to the new "Junction" in Ogden. It consists of Bowling, Mini Golf, Rock Climbing, Bumper Cars, Video Games, Surfing, Restaurants, and Movie Theaters. It actually is so much fun. After we bowled 2 games we ate at Pizza Factory. The rest of the weekend was spent eating out, shopping, watching baseball, playing cards, and relaxing. We loved every minute of our time in Utah. Thanks Mom and Dad for always being generous and showing us a great time. We love you!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Officially the Worst Mother...

Colton walked in the door from school yesterday and I immediately knew something was wrong with Colton. I asked him what was wrong and with the saddest eyes and body language in the whole world, he responded that he was the only kid in his class that didn't bring a treat for the pajama party at school yesterday. My heart suddenly sunk and I knew I had completely spaced sending him with a snack (yes a note was sent home that told us they had to bring their own snack for the party) My response to him was "Wouldn't anyone share with you?" He said, "Mrs. Blatter wouldn't let the kids share." My heart sunk even deeper. Wow, did I learn a hard lesson yesterday. It is horrible to disappoint your kids and not have a way to make it up to them. I still feel guilty today.

Even though he didn't have all the red marks, this is about how Colton's face looked when he told me I had screwed up!

Monday, October 1, 2007

6 Weeks To Go...

Top 6 Cravings During My Pregnancy

1. Route 44 Cherry or Raspberry Limeades from Sonic

2. Coldstone Ice Cream (Sweet Cream w/ Brownie, Butterfinger, and Carmel) or Reeds Dairy (Cheesecake Ice Cream or Cotton Candy)

3. Fresh Peaches

4. Wheatables (Crackers)

5. Olive Garden or Outback

6. Anything I Didn't Have To Cook