Saturday, October 27, 2007

Embarassing Moments As A Parent...

Yesterday, I went outside to tell the boys it was time to come in the house. They had been out riding bikes around the neighborhood all afternoon. They come into the cul-de-sac with a ziplock bag of candy. I start the round of questions.... I find out they were going around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.

Also this week I found out that the boys have been riding their bikes around the neighborhood door bell ditching.

The boys were out playing on the dirt hills today. A neighbor yelled hello to the boys. A construction worker was close by smoking.....Colton yells to the neighbor, "Watch out, the guy in red smokes." The construction worker politely waves to the neighbor.

These are those lightbulb moments when you ask yourself, "Haven't I taught my children to make good decisions?" So much for my comment to them every time before they leave the house, "Make good choices." I have a long way to go with this parenthood thing.

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