Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back on Track...

The last few weeks have been pretty rough for me.  I have been suffering from some major migraines.  Today, I finally woke up without a headache and without having to take any medicine.  Yea.  I was able to get caught up on house work. laundry, cuddling with Crew, playgroup, temple recommend interview, and just loving feeling good again.  So hopefully I will be back to the blogging world with some fun post in the next couple weeks.  


Christine said...

I am so glad that you had a good day. Hopefully you're bad days are over.

Skylette said...

I'm so sorry about the migraines! I used to get them all the time and I can testify to the pain in the neck (lol, almost literally) they can be!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you haven't felt good.....Glad you're feeling better though!

i'm h.mac said...

emily those family pics were too cute and i am so sorry to hear about your migraines. i have had years of trauma with them and have found some really great things to help with them. mostly it is diet. scott did a ton of research and found all kinds of stuff on them and i found my trigger foods. {chocolate,cheese anything strong and good} also, i don't know if you have read the book, heal your body by louise hay but it talks about them in there. i have not used her for the headaches since i curbed my food problems but i hear she helps in that area. unless you have had one you can't tell someone what it is like to go blind with no warning, have your hand and arm go numb for hours and have a swollen face. they are the worst and i am so sorry!

Veronica said...

Em, keep wearing your neck brace...I do think it will help....I hope tomorrow you wake up without a headache again! Love you and miss you!

Jill said...

So glad you are feeling better!!!

Herriman Blue said...

Glad you're feeling better Emily. You're better than me at the blogging. If I get one or two a week I feel accomplished!!

Mindy M. said...

I'm sorry you have been so sick!! Good thing you have the best boys that can help and play while you rest! Get feeling better and hope you have a good week!!

Shelly B. said...

Glad you are feeling better! Migraines are no fun.

Todd and Megan said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better...I can totally sympathize with the nastiness of migraines!