Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Crew Is 5 Months Old...

Crew is 5 months old.  I can not believe it.  The past 5 months have gone by so fast.   I know that I say the same thing every post, but it is really how I feel.  I love having Crew around.  He has been such a fun baby.  He is such a good baby and so fun to have around!  Here are some of his milestones the last month
-He has found his toes and loves to grab them.  He even sucks on his toes sometimes.
-He is now having rice cereal in his bottle.
-He is now grabbing for anything he can reach.
-He is laughing a lot.
-He is very ticklish.
-He can turn himself in a circle in his crib and turn on his music thing by kicking it with his foot.
-Lays on the ground and turns in a circle.  Trying to learn to roll over.
-Wears size 3 diapers.
-Is growing out of 3-6 month clothes.
-Still loves his bath.
-Loves his binkie.
-Loves his blankets.
-Loves his bed.
-Loves his car seat.
We love you Crew!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're recording all the fun facts..... I should be!

That picture is soooo adorable. I love it-

Todd and Megan said...

WE LOVE BABY CREW!!! He is absolutely so adorable (he takes after his 2 older brothers)...can't wait to have you guys here in just a few more days!

Veronica said...

FIVE MONTHS! I can't believe it. I can't imagine not having Crew in our lives. He is precious! Love all the things he is doing and can't wait to have this weekend with him.

Letti said...

Wow 5 months already. I still remember you being pregnant time flies.

Mindy M. said...

I can't believe it has been 5 months since that little cutie was born. Don't you feel like you have had him forever? I love your boys, each one is so different, but so alike! Miss ya, have fun in California!!