A couple weeks ago, we were having a Saturday cleaning day. We were all working really hard and Crew was being a little fussy. I decided to put him in his saucer watching Baby Einstein on DVD. I think he is a little spoiled. What do you think???
P.S. He loves Baby Einstein now.
Well, it's probably hard not to spoil him. I think I will need to get a cool saucer like that pretty soon.
I'm so glad another mom lets their baby watch TV this early on. Molly loves Baby Einstein. I tried it one day when I needed to get ready and it calmed her right down. Amazing!!
That has got to be the funniest picture ever!! Too bad it wasn't something like Cage Fighting or The Young & Restless he was watching. Priceless!! Thanks for updating your blog!!:> Love ya!!
Consider yourself lucky that he likes TV. DJ won't have anything to do with it. The girls were mesmorized by baby einstein by the time they were a few months old....and it helped our sanity on most days.
Hahaha, what a cute picture/post. That is awesome that he will sit and watch a little Baby Einstein for you so you can get a few things done. It took Luke forever to care for 15 minutes of t.v. so I could have a few to myself. :)
Whatever you have to do to keep them entertained. I wouldn't consider it SPOILED, more a survival tactic. Hope you got a lot done!!
My grandson is a genuis! Great that he can enjoy Baby Einstein and learn something at the same time....even if he is only 5 months old....can't wait to spoil him this weekend. Love you!
that is so funny!
that is the best picture...thanks for posting it, I saw it last night after having worked 57 hours in 3 days with only 7 hours of sleep in 3 days...I immediately made me smile!
It never hurts to spoil your kids. He is the cutest!
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