Wednesday, May 14, 2008

6 months already...

Crew 2 days old

I can't believe that my baby is 6 months old today.  The past month he has learned to...  
-Roll from his back to his stomach
-He turns himself sideways in his crib and pokes his feet out the rails.
-He is starting to grab for everything, even my plate when I am eating.
-He absolutely has to have his bed when he is tired. (This drives me crazy when I am out and about.  He use to just fall asleep in his carrier)
-He is half nursing, half bottle fed.
-He is not a very good sleeper anymore.  (We are going to work on this one)

We love you Crew!


Todd and Megan said...

He is the very best and cute baby! I can't wait to be with you guys in just a few weeks! I like the updated pictures!

Skylette said...

Oh, so sorry about the 'not a good sleeper' part...that makes things much more difficult! Hope that gets worked out soon. :)

Amber said...

That 2 day old picture is so sweet. Luckily, he has stayed that way. But I'm sorry about the bad sleeping too. Good Luck!

Veronica said...

I love that little baby boy so much. I hope the sleeping improves for you. In some ways, the sleeping in his own crib is a blessing. But other times when away from home it is a nightmare. See you next Tuesday! Can't wait.

Mindy M. said...

Ohh, I love that little man!! He is the sweetest baby and the best baby!! The sleeping will improve though ~~ when they are about 16 and you can't get them out of bed. Love all the pictures, take care! Love ya!!

Jill said...

Such a cute baby!! I hope we can get Molly and Crew together while we're in Utah. I get the not sleeping good thing. Molly is back and forth. Mainly when she's teething. Plus, she hates her crib, would rather sleep in her carrier, or my bed!!! Gotta love these babies!! They add a little extra adventure into our lives!!