Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to the greatest Mom in the whole entire world.  She is so amazing and I hope that I can be like her when I grow up!  My Mom truly has a heart of gold and would do anything for anybody.  She puts everybody before herself no matter what the situation is.  I hope you know Mom how much a look up to you and admire you.  Heavenly Father blessed me with the greatest Mom in the whole entire world!!!!  I could list a million things that I love about her, but here are a few...
-I have never heard her say anything bad about another person in my entire life.  That truly is a Christlike quality!
-She has such a strong testimony and always chooses the right!
-She is very giving.  She would give the shirt of her back to someone even if it was her last.
-She is an amazing listener.  I can tell her anything and she is definitely my sounding board.  Thanks for always being there for me.
-She is a wonderful mother, wife, and grandmother.  My kids love her so so much!
-She is an amazing cook.
I love you Mom and hope you have a Happy Mother's Day.  I wish I could be there with you to celebrate!
My Grandma was like a second Mom to me.  She was so involved in my life and supported me in all of my extra curricular activities.  I love her so much and enjoy every second I get to spend with her.  She is so funny and can truly light up a room.  She has a strong testimony and always chooses the right.  She takes her calling in the temple so serious and she has made many lifelong friends there through her calling.  She is a wonderful Grandma and Great Grandma.  Thank you for being a part of my life and always being there for me.   I love you!
This is my mother-in-law and she is also an amazing mother and grandmother.  She raised a wonderful son and I am so lucky to have him as my husband.  She is so kind and giving and has accepted me into their family with a loving heart.  I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.  

These 3 women do so much for my family and I hope they know how much I truly love them. Thank you for all you do for me and my family.  


Veronica said...

Thank you dear Emily for your high praise. I am undeserving and I can't express enough thanks to Heavenly FAther for allowing me to be your mother. I am truly blessed because of you. I love you dearest.

Todd and Megan said...

What a wonderfully true and beautiful tribute...