Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Colton...

Colton the day he was born
Colton 1 year old

Colton 2 years old

Colton 3 years old

Colton 4 years old

Colton 5 years old

Colton 6 years old

Colton 6 1/2 years old

I can't believe my first born is 7 years old today. He has such a big heart and has so many amazing qualities for a 7 year old. Colton was born after 10 hours of labor. He was 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. His leg was completely purple up to his kneecap and his breathing was very shallow. Colton then was admitted to the NICU for testing. Greg went with Colton and the doctor's gave Colton an X-ray. The X-ray results came back and he had an air bubble in his lungs. Greg gave Colton a blessing and within minutes his oxygen levels were at 100%. I did not get to hold or see Colton for the first 4 hours of his life, but I have cherished every moment with him since. Since Colton was my first baby, we spent many hours reading books, signing songs, and coloring. He was such a good baby.

Colton has taken his role as big brother very seriously. He takes such great care of Cannon. He helps Cannon brush his teeth, get dressed, make his bed, etc. everyday. Cannon has become really lazy because Colton takes such good care of him. Colton is obsessed with having everything orderly. He can not focus on anything else until all of his clothes and room is in perfect order. The last year Colton has become completely addicted to sports. He has learned to be aggressive and spends many hours a day shooting hoops, catching and hitting the baseball, and throwing the football. He loves to watch ESPN int he morning and knows so much about all the major sports teams and players. Colton is a good student and has worked hard on his reading the past year. He is a good friend to everyone he is around. He also loves to choose the right. He doesn't miss a night of saying his prayers and loves to go to primary. I am thankful to have Colton in our family and look forward to many, many more years to enjoy his fun personality.

C-ourageous. Colton always tries to choose the right. He is a good example to his friends and family.

O-bsessed with sports. Colton is obsessed with sports. He likes certain teams for the strangest and funniest reasons. He makes his Grandpa, Grandma, aunts, and uncles so mad because he doesn't like BYU. His dad loves it.

L-oving. Colton is very loving and truly gets his feelings hurt if he gets in trouble. He always tries to make his Mom and Dad happy. He wants everybody to be proud of him.

T-otally adorable.


N-icest big brother.


Jill said...

Happy Birthday Colton!! I remember the day he was born. Your mom called to tell me and I was so upset to learn he was in the NICU. Knowing I would be having my Madilynn the next week sent my emotions into high gear. I was so grateful when your mom called back and said all was well. What a beautiful, wonderful boy Colton is!! Have a super fun day!!!

Mindy M. said...

Happy Birthday Colton!!! WOW ~ 7 years old!! Hope you have a great day and make your parents take you out to breakfast, luch, and DINNER!! Have a wonderful birthday, love you little man!!

Carly said...

Emily, you seriously have he cutest little boys!

Skylette said...

Happy Birthday Colton; what a great example you are to all of us! I can't believe you are seven years old already! We love having you in our neighborhood and primary. :) Have an awesome day!

Veronica said...

Happy Birthday to you Colton! Hope you have a wonderful day. You are the best grandson a grandparent could ask for. Love you more than you can know. You are pure JOY!

Michelle said...

Colton, you should read the great things your mom and grandma wrote about you. You are a special kid and should let your mom know because it is your b-day, you can do whatever you want without getting in trouble. Have a great day.

Me - Jen said...

Happy Birthday Colton!! So sad how fast they are growing. Enjoy your day celebrating Colton and what an amazing kid he is!!

Michelle said...

oh my goodness emily, he is such an angel--that blog brought me to a few tears. happy bd colton! have a super day! love, aunt michelle

John and Brittney said...

Happy Birthday Colton, we love you buddy! Hope you have a great day!

LeAnn said...

I love that tribute to Colton. What a good little guy! I can't believe that he will be baptized next year. Happy Birthday!

Laurel said...

That was a very nice post for colton. he is a little angel boy. we are all lucky to have him in our family. can't wait to see you guys again.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 7..... next year the Big 8! Such a good kid, and a cutie too! Happy Birthday Colton!

Sounds like the "Chukars" experience was just awesome!!!!!

I'm sure they're still dreaming about it every night, how exciting for little boys, it doesn't get much better than that!

Aren't you glad you went now?

Amber said...

Happy Birthday Colton! He is such a stud. We are lucky to have had him in primary so we could get to know him a little bit better. I know Clint looks forward to having a little boy just like him.

Tami said...

Wow! What a way to enter the world. Sounds like he is going to be just like his Dad... both good people!

Hilary said...

He really is SO darn cute. I will always remember him saying the 13th Article of Faith when he was what, 3???

"we sneak after these things..." (was that how he said it?)

Happy Birthday Colton!

sp.dandilicious@gmail.com said...

Hi Emily,
It sounds like we need to get Cole and Colton together because they have the same interests-except for the clean room part. Does it feel weird to have a seven year old little boy? Feels way weird to me.

Chereebee said...

Happy Birthday Colton! What a handsome little guy!! Hope he had a great day!

Natalie said...

I can't believe one more year and you'll be having a child baptized! Time flies with children in your life! Such cute amazing boys you have!

Anonymous said...

Hi emily... its Kari Nye.. I noticed your blog on Ginas site.. it is adorable! Kristin said she hasnt seen you up there in Idaho Falls lately.. I love it up there.. next time I come up we should call you and get all the kids together! Just wanted to let you know I think your family is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi emily... its Kari Nye.. I noticed your blog on Ginas site.. it is adorable! Kristin said she hasnt seen you up there in Idaho Falls lately.. I love it up there.. next time I come up we should call you and get all the kids together! Just wanted to let you know I think your family is adorable!!!

Letti said...

Happy Birthday Colton. You are such a handsome 7 year old.

Lizzy said...

happy b-day Colten!!!!!
can't wait to see you down at the gorge. love your fav cousin,