Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ER Visit...

Colton and Cannon passing the time by watching Cartoons.
Crew before he got his stitches.  He was all over the place.  Of course he didn't want to lay on the bed with his brothers and watch Cartoons.  

Our little Crew was walking around last night with a pen in his hand and fell.  Then pen cut his cheek when he fell and off we went to the Emergency Room.  The nurse took us back to our little cubicle and said, "Wow, you have 3 boys and this is only your first visit here."  I guess we are really lucky that this was our first visit.   It took 2 hours to get a plastic surgeon called and then it took another 2 1/2 hours before we were able to come home.  They had to put Crew under sedation while they were stitching his face so he would stay still.  Only minutes after he had fallen asleep, his oxygen levels plummeted.  They asked us to leave the room and the nurse was yelling to another nurse to call respiratory and to get there fast.  It was really scary to be standing outside of the room and hearing Crew struggle to breath.  They were able to get his oxygen levels under control and started to stitch his face.  It took him one hour to wake up from the sedation.  It was a stressful night.  I was not expecting that just to get a few stitches.  After Crew woke up, he was sick to his stomach from all the medicine.  After throwing up a couple times, we were ready to come home.  He had a rough night, but has been fine today.


Anonymous said...

Oh, how awful!! I can't believe all that for a few stitches either- Wow!!

Hope he's doing much better now and "mending" well!

Hope you all get some rest tonite!

Hilary said...

that oxygen part of the story just FREAKS me out. So scary! Poor little guy... and poor you freaking out!

His stitches look great.... I hope he's handling it okay.

Todd and Megan said...

Crew-baby still so darling and smiling while awaiting his stitches...he is too cute!!!

Tera said...

I am so sorry. The dreadful stitches. I wish I would have been working to see you & check up on Crew. Take Care Tera

Lizzy said...

Wow what a night. You didn't tell me all of that. Glad you are feeling good. Thanks for the visit yesterday. It helped me pass the time on my very long drive.