Monday, March 9, 2009

More Disneyland Pictures...


Jayme said...

Looks like you had a blast Em, I love that place more than anything. You just feel like your 6 years old again. Glad you had a good time!

Todd and Megan said...

All of your pictures are so cute! I am so glad that you were able to come and have a great time...even if I didn't get to see you while you were here! Oh well, will see you in a few weeks for the blessing!

Amber said...

Glad you guys had a great trip. I had no idea Greg was such a singer! That cracks me up that he just joined in.

Chereebee said...

oh my, how dang fun!! LOVE all the pics! Love the one of Cannon and Colton posin' by the big "C"

Anonymous said...

So jealous to see you guys in shorts & swim suits! Sounds so nice right about now! Looks like a great time:)

LeAnn said...

How fun!! I am jealous! What a fun trip for your family and the Cragun's. BTW, Greg has a good voice...I had no idea! Cute pictures!

Veronica said...

I love your pictures! They are sweet! It looks like you had a great trip and I am so glad we could keep Crew and that you, Greg and the boys could have fun on all the rides together! Love you! Thanks for letting us invade your home. Appreciate you always being so good to us. Love you, Veronica

Brad and Ann said...

Logan is very envious of these pics, to say the least! We miss you and are glad that you had such a great time. Come visit us!!

Natalie said...

My oh my what fun Disneyland is!!! So what was your favorite ride? Don't you love how clean it is. . . I swear there isn't a piece of garbage anywhere. Was "It's a Small World" open?

Steven and Whitney said...

I want to go to Disneyland!! Is it okay to love Disneyland even if I'm an adult without children? Looks like you had so much fun!

Skylette said...

I'm so jealous - some good sunshine and warm weather would be oh so good right now. Looks like you guys had a great time!

Hilary said...

Your trip looks so fun! What cute pictures... I love Disneyland!

The Greg singing thing is FUNNY!

Lizzy said...

Looks like you had a great trip. Wow I didn't know greg could sing. I love the warm looking weather. Very excited for may...

Jill said...

Your Disneyland trip looks like it was a blast. I'm so glad the boys decided to ride the rides. Such a fun memory!! Sounds like Crew had fun at your mom's. Disney trips--- nothing better!!!!