Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Greg's Knee Surgery...

Back in March, Greg was playing church basketball and really screwed up his knee. Everyone told him he needed to go to the doctor and he refused daily. His main arguing point of not visiting a doctor was he didn't want to loose a season of waterskiing and he had already booked a fishing trip to Alaska. His knee slowly got better and he carried on with all his summer plans.

A few weeks ago he went to play in his first flag football game of the season and re-injured his knee. It was pretty easy to persuade him to go to the doctor and have it looked at because we had already met our insurance deductible for the year because of the pregnancy. He went to the Orthopedic Surgeon and he confirmed that Greg had torn his ACL and had also injured his MCL. On September 30, Greg went in for surgery. He was pretty nervous about the whole hospital/surgery experience since he had never gone under anesthesia before. It was quite entertaining for me to watch the nurse shave his leg and get him all ready for surgery. After the surgery was over the doctor met with me and told me that his knee was a lot worse than he expected. He said because the ACL had been injured for so long, Greg had over compensated and he had hammered his MCL. Greg stayed the night in the hospital after the surgery and was flat in bed the first week. Crew was his little partner and would lay next to Greg in bed for hours and demand juice and demand to watch HIS show Barney.

Yesterday Greg was able to put on his new brace which he will have to wear for 3 months. He is still moving slow and in quite a bit of pain at the end of the day. He is going to Physical Therapy 3 times and week and trying to get some strength back in his knee.

We are thankful for good insurance and his job that has been so great to him during this time. We hope the recovery continues to go smoothly, however the doctor gave him strict orders yesterday that he is not to do any physical activity (snow skiing, basketball, football, tennis) for 9 months. His first question to the doctor was if he can water ski next summer. July is exactly 9 months away and he was excited to hear that water skiing will be a go come summer 2010.


This is how Greg spent the first week after the surgery


His 2 roommates..while Mom was waiting on all 3 boys.


How he got around the first 2 weeks after the surgery.


His new knee brace 2 weeks out and will be his constant companion for the next 3 months.


Mindy M. said...

Greg looks really sexy with that knee brace on!! He has some nice legs!! Will he have to wear shorts ALL winter? Glad he is able to start getting around ~ makes it a little easier on you. I like the comment about hitting your insurance cap, that is totally Greg's thinking!!!!!

Laurel said...

I am glad he is more mobile for your sake : ) I am kidding, greg is a goer so I am sure he wasn't too hard to wait on!

Shelly B. said...

Em, will his leg fit into his dress pants or will you have to cut them all off and make them into shorts? I bet his doctors that he calls on would get a KICK out of that! ;)

Amber said...

So I would say poor Greg, but I have to also think poor Emily! You really don't need to be waiting on all those boys while you are waiting on a new baby!

Tera said...

Hope he heals quickly for him and for you. I know it's just as hard on the wives if not harder when the husbands are sick. Good luck with everything. I'm sure he will be moving around in no time!!!

Steven and Whitney said...

I feel Greg's pain having went through that surgery 10 years ago...I'm just glad I didn't have to stay in the hospital because, although it was a complete tear, it had just recently happened. Wish him well on his way to recovery--therapy is aweful.

Veronica said...

So thankful that Greg did great and is recuperating. He will be a new six million dollar man and run like the wind before we know it. Hope you are hanging in there. Love you!