Friday, December 4, 2009

Pregnancy, Stress, Delivery, and More...

What a crazy last five months our family has had. As some of you know, when we went in for our routine 20 week ultrasound, we found out that our baby had a two vessel umbilical cord. The ultrasound tech didn't act like it was a big deal and Greg and I had never heard of this so we didn't think much about it either. When we got home from the ultrasound we got on the internet and started researching a 2 vessel cord and became very nervous. We made a phone call to our OB's office to talk to our doctor about what we found out in our ultrasound. He referred us to a Perinatologist, however we couldn't get an appointment for 3 weeks. As this point in the pregnancy, we really didn't care if we had a boy or a girl, we were just hoping for a healthy baby. As we met with the Perinatologist 3 weeks later, we found out that our baby had 2 CPC on his brain. The Perinatologist could only give us about a 90% chance of having a healthy baby. Most likely if something was wrong with the baby it would be a down syndrome baby. We also had to have very close monitoring the last trimester of the pregnancy because the chance of still born goes up and the growth of the baby can slow down. Some weeks we would have 3 doctors appointments. We always felt like we were getting great medical treatment and are thankful for the doctors that kept such a close eye on us during this pregnancy. The next 5 months we experienced many ups and downs and stressful times as a family. Greg and I always held close to the peaceful feeling we had. We learned a lot about faith, prayers, family, and friends.   

We had decided to do a amnio around 34 weeks of the pregnancy, so we would know for sure if the baby was going to be heathy before he came. But as the time came, we changed our minds because we would only get the results back a few days before the baby was to be born.
On Monday November 30, I experienced many contractions but they were not consistent. I went to bed for the night, but didn't sleep great. I woke up the next morning around 6 a.m. and my stomach was very tight and sore and I didn't feel good at all. I went to the bathroom and found that I was lightly spotting and called the doctor right away. He was just starting a c-section and told us to get to the hospital right away and he would do our c-section next. We left for the hospital with only the clothes we were wearing, not feeling prepared at all to have the baby this day. We were scheduled for December 3rd to have the baby. When we got to the hospital, I was feeling very nervous because I hadn't felt the baby move that morning. Greg happened to see the doctor in the hall and told him of my feelings. He came right into my room and hooked me up to monitor to look at the baby's heart rate. He also asked us if he could say a prayer with us. What an amazing experience to have a doctor say a sincere, meaningful prayer on our behalf. We felt so lucky to be in such good care. As Greg and I talked in the room waiting for the c-section to begin, we talked about looking at the baby's face as soon as he was born to see if he looked healthy. Greg and I always had a peaceful feeling about this pregnancy, but the unknown was always scary. As the c-section began, they had a hard time getting the baby out of my stomach. He was stuck and they had to use the vacuum to get him out. Greg said he came out face down and it seemed like an eternity for them to turn him around so Greg could look at his face. As soon as Greg saw his face, he thought to himself that he looked like the other boys and he looked healthy. He looked at the doctor and asked him if he looked healthy. The doctor said yes, and as the nurses checked him out they also kept saying how healthy he looked. We felt so blessed.
Our little boy weighed 7lbs. 10 oz. was 21.5 inches long and was the most beautiful baby. He didn't even have to be in the NICU coming 18 days early. He was perfect! We have learned many things during the past 5 months. We learned that Heavenly Father loves us and listens to our prayers. He sends us individual experiences for us to learn and grow.   We would just like to personally thank our friends and family for the love and support they have shown us the last 5 months. We know that many prayers, fasting, phone calls, and love have been given on our behalf.
We are thankful to have our baby boy Creed home with our family. We love you Creed.


Veronica said...

Emily, your faith and calm belief that the Lord would watch over you and the baby coming to your family was very inspiring to me. Thank you. I am so happy that Creed is here and that he is healthy and well. What a great blessing. I know he will be a special brother and son for your family. Love him so much! Just as I love, love, love those other 3 adorable DeVries boys. I agree with you that Heavenly FAther does hear and answer prayers and that we need to ask what should be we learn from this experience. I know I have learned many things from waiting for this little boy to arrive. Love you!

Laurel said...

Oh I am so glad he is here safe and sound and pregnancy is over. He is so cute and I am starting to really like his name. ; ) I can't wait to meet him!

Todd and Megan said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. Your faith is such an example to us all. So grateful that he is here and healthy. Love him without having officially met him yet. Give him a big hug and kiss from his favorite Auntie!!!

Brooke said...

Congrats on baby Creed. He is beautiful! I am glad you shared your experience with your pregnancy. Sometimes it is hard to share what is really going on in our lives, but I think it strengthens our testimonies and also helps others see that no one has a perfect life. What a blessing it is to have him home and healthy. Congrats again!

Skylette said...

We are so thankful that he is here and healthy. What a happy, joyous relief!

christine said...

He is absolutely adorable! What a trying pregnancy but an amazing outcome. Glad everthing turned out okay and I know it is because of a loving Heavenly Father and the faith of you and Greg. I can't wait to meet our little guy in a couple of weeks-I also had a scare last week and was in the hospital all night Tuesday trying to stop contractions so he can stay in a little longer. It definitely helps knowing Heavenly Father has control of everything and will make it all okay! Congratulations-love his name and love your adorable family!

Amber said...

What a blessing that he is here safe & healthy. I am sure it was a trying couple months, but hopfully you'll all continue to be blessed from here on out.

Me - Jen said...

Thanks for sharing this amazing story and your faith is inspiring!! I had no idea and I am glad it all turned out!!! It is amazing what peace we can find through faith and prayer!! Congrats on a beauitufl baby

Jill said...

I'm grateful your family has this another beautiful baby boy to love and adore. So happy all is well.

Mindy M. said...

I am so glad you shared your experience over the last months with the pregnancy and the strong faith you have. You are so amazing and I am so grateful you have this beautiful healthy little baby to join your family! Can't wait to see you over the holidays! Love you sooooo much!!!!

Nicole said...

Emily, he is beautiful. When I read about your experience it made me cry. Thank you for sharing your experience and your testimony. I wish you and your cute family all the best.

John and Brittney said...

We are so glad you and the baby made it through that pregnancy. I can't wait to see you guys over Christmas. Love ya

Jana said...

Thanks for sharing your story! I am so glad that everything turned out good. He is a beautiful baby boy. Congrats!!

Michelle said...

What a nice story. Thank you for sharing the personal details and blessings in your life. A miracle baby--aren't they all though? Kisses and hugs.