We finally decided to bite the bullet and get rid of Crew's binki. Crew was addicted to his binki. He loved it and he would have it everyday all day. We tried to limit it to sleeping, but he would always seem to find one and suck on it all day. We decided the best thing to break him from his binki was to just take it away. I stressed so much about taking it away and wondered how he would do. To our surprise, he did fabulous. He would ask for his binki a lot the first few days, but after that he did great. He was 2 years and 2 months old when we took it away. Binki=Check...Now on to potty training...UGG!
Throwing Binki in the garbage and saying bye bye
Our binki free 2 year old!
that cute smiling face is ADORABLE!!! I remember being surprised at how much cuter my kids were binky free because I could see their cute mouths! LOL! But I did miss the "mute button!"
What a cutie!
I am so glad that it went so well. These types of things can sure be stressful for us moms.
Oh he is so adorable!
Em, I HAVE to have a picture of him in that jacket with that perfectly pure and sweet smile. He is so cute and melts my heart whenever I look at him or spend time with him. Will you email an order to the Walmart in Harrisville for a 6 X 4 sometime this week and I will put it in the frame on my dining table? Glad that taking the binki wasn't as hard as you thought it would be. Maybe potty training will be easier too. HOPE SO!
Now we can see that DARLING smile! Go Crew!
love, love, love that little man...can't get over that picture of him throwing his own binki away! So glad that it has been an easy transition!
love, love, love that little man...can't get over that picture of him throwing his own binki away! So glad that it has been an easy transition!
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