Monday, March 8, 2010

Creed is 3 Months Old...

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Picture Taken by Shelly Brown

-Creed is super smiley...he breaks out in a cheesy grin anytime someone takes a moment to talk to him

-is starting to coo and baby talk more and more each day

-just started sleeping through the night this week when we realized he liked sleeping in his car seat a whole lot more than his bed...he is now sleeping 9 p.m.- 5 a.m.

-loves sitting in his bouncy chair as long as someone is in his range of vision that he can keep his eye on

-loves his "breast friend" AKA Mommy, but will take a bottle

-still loves to be held and might never learn to roll over because he doesn't like to lay on any flat surfaces

-has the most amazing eyelashes

-is one spoiled baby as we are just trying to enjoy each and every moment with our little guy


Shelly B. said...

Awwww. He is such a sweet baby! I love his chubby little cheeks!

Steph and Brady said...

Oh Emily, he is SO cute! What a little angel! I can't beieve he is sleeping that long! How awesome!

John and Brittney said...

What a sweetie! Can't wait to hold the little guy again. Hope you are doing well, love ya!

Jocelyn said...

i love that picture so sweet! he is a doll... love him!

Veronica said...

Em, I love this picture!!!! He almost looks like he is praying. What a sweet little boy. I loved my time with him over the weekend. You described him perfectly. He is an angel. Love him and all of you!

Laurel said...

I LOVE the picture. Can't wait to see him and you in Utah!

Candace said...

Beautiful baby!

Todd and Megan said...

OH...that picture is amazing! He is so absolutely precious!!! Can't wait to hold him in Hawaii!!!