Saturday, April 10, 2010

Creed is 4 months old...

Creed 4 months

Creed 4 months 2

Weight - 14 lbs. 13 oz. 31%

Length - 26.25 inches 88%

Creed is definitely one of my everyday highlights! I don't know if it is because the pregnancy was so difficult, or if it is because we had our little scare with him when he was only 2 months old, or if it is because I think he is my last...but, I can tell you I am smitten with this guy. The things that never get old to me are...kissing his cubby little cheeks, smelling his sweet little smell, holding his little hand and looking at his fingers while I nurse him, and looking at his smiling face or hearing his cute little giggle. I can't imagine my life without him. All his little milestones are so fun to watch. He is our little angel!

-he loves to be held, so he is not rolling over and doesn't spend much time on the floor.

-if he is on the floor he loves to lay on his back looking up at his toys hanging from his toy mat

-he is starting to suck his thumb and fingers...the other day he fell asleep sucking on 3 fingers.

-he doesn't like his binkie as much as he use to

-he gets up consistently once a night to eat

-some days he just doesn't want to nap

-he is sleeping a little more in his bed, but will still sleep in his carseat

-he hate to get dressed or undressed

-is very ticklish and loves to giggle when he is tickled


Jill said...

He is a true piece of Heaven!! Those eyes!!! He's just a beautiful baby boy! So happy his heart is doing well!

...your last?????

Amber said...

Yes, those eyes are to die for! Really hope he is doing better & you guys can not have that stress.

Veronica said...

I agree with all the things you love about Creed. He is indeed an angel and I love that little one too. I so enjoyed this last week being able to cuddle him and play with him. You are right on when you say he doesn't like to get dressed or undressed....that is the only time I saw him really upset. His smile is golden and he does love to laugh. Thanks for posting his 4 month milestones. He is one to keep in your heart always.

Shelly B. said...

Ahhh! He really is a little sweetie! Just look at those eyes! How could he possibly be your last?? ;)

John and Brittney said...

Those blue eyes are amazing! He is such a cute little guy. Thanks for posting, we love to read about him.

Steven and Whitney said...

Look at his striking blue eyes! Gorgeous (Jasper's are still gray). Happy 4 month birthday to Creed!

Letti said...

His eyes look amazing. You sure do have cute kids.

Laurel said...

LOVE those pictures! He is so adorable and those eyes are to die for! Love you guys and Creed! Glad he is healthy!

Todd and Megan said...

Love, Love, Love those pictures! He is absolutely the cutest! Those blue eyes...can't get enough! Can't wait to snuggle him some more in Hawaii!

Morgan Greaves said...

He is just the cutest thing ever!!! Those eyes!!

Hilary said...

That first picture is to die for cute! Those eyes and lips! What a doll!