Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tha Haka...

The boys were invited to do The Haka for our ward talent show this year. They were so excited to go to each practice and had a lot of fun learning and performing it. DSC_0420.JPG DSC_0421.JPG DSC_0422.JPG


Todd and Megan said...

I bet they were darling...they will definitely have to perform for us with Johnny on our trip!

Veronica said...

Can't wait to see them do the Haka. Love the face tattoos (since they are fake and I know they aren't real tattoos) Sounds like a fun experience for Colton and Cannon.

John and Brittney said...

Cute! John loved to hear about that! Love the face paint on them.

Hilary said...

cannon did great doing at the kindergarten talent show. And, I think all the boys should do it yearly until they go on their mission... wouldn't' that be cute?

Christine said...

That was so awesome. I hope someone got it on video.