Weight 15 lbs 8%
Height 27.25 75%
Head 17.5 67%
Creed turned 6 months old while we were vacationing in Kauai. He was an angel baby on the trip and I don't remember him even crying once. He was a perfect traveling companion.
-He is now eating baby food and loves it. He is my first baby to eat any green veggies and we are hoping he will be our best eater yet
-He is still getting up once a night to eat...I wonder when I will ever sleep through the night again
-He FINALLY learned how to roll over
-He still loves to be held
-He is learning how to sit up on his own
-He is nursing and bottle feeding
-He is a happy baby as long as he is getting lots of attention
He is an angel baby. So sweet and happy most of the time. I loved being with him last weekend and seeing him smile and laugh. Love him so much.
What a cute little guy! He is getting so big and looks so much like his brothers!
Seriously, such a cutie pie. He's doing great - getting too big. It was cute to watch Crew yesterday too - playing baseball like the big boys. :)
He is such a good baby and I love him so much!
oh he is such a cutie...I sure miss my little Creed and he was a perfect angel on our trip!
he is one beautiful baby boy... So cute!
I can't believe he is already 6 months old! What a darling little boy...if we work it out right we can have 3 arranged marriages. Brynn, Kam, to Colton and Cannon, and the new baby girl can marry Creed! You will just have to try one more time for a girl, so we can have Jed someone to marry!! :)
You have to tell LeAnn that Creed is already spoken for! ;) We sure love that little guy!
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