Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cannon's Stitches...

We were at Colton's baseball game and Cannon climbed up on the chain link fence and his hand got stuck when he tried to jump down. It cut his hand badly and we had to rush him to the ER. We were nervous that he had severed some tendons in his hand but after the Dr. looked at it, it looked like all he needed was stitches. He was very brave once we calmed him down (he thought we were taking him to the ER to die). It took a good 3 weeks for his hand to heal completely but we are thankful for his full recovery.





Hilary said...

ouch! That looks painful! Your life sure is exciting, Em!

John and Brittney said...

I didn't realize how bad it was - that looks awful! He's such a cute little guy!

Veronica said...

Hallelujah! He is going to be fine. I really worried about his hand. Good Dr. Megan could clean it up while she was here.

Todd and Megan said...

looks awful but it truly did heal well! So glad that he didn't do more damage to his precious hand!

Laurel said...

That is such a gross picture. I am glad it healed and that cannon didn't die in the e.r. : )