The boys caught a snake in Grandpa and Grandma D's front yard one weekend when we were down visiting. They wanted to keep the snake for a pet and the snake found a new home in a mayo jar with grass and a few weeds thrown in. The boys decided to name him Slimy. Then one day they decided to throw in a live grasshopper to see if Slimy would eat it. Slimy didn't eat the grasshopper and now had a new friend take up residence in the mayo jar. After having Slimy a few weeks and I was the one mainly looking at him each day since the boys thought the best place for his jar was in the kitchen, I started to feel bad for him. So, right before Disneyland we talked to the boys about letting Slimy go so he wouldn't die while we were gone. The boys decided that was the best option for Slimy. They took Slimy over to the canal by our house and let him go. They walked home in tears and continued to cry for another 2 hours. They were so sad to let Slimy go.