Monday, October 11, 2010

Creed is 10 months...

Now that Creed is super mobile, it is impossible to get a good picture of him. But, I didn't want to let another month pass without posting about our sweet baby boy.


-Pulls himself up to everything

-Walks along furniture and has even taken a few steps on his own

-Is on a super great night schedule, but still trying to figure out a good nap schedule

-He is an awesome eater...loves tomatoes, peas, beans, oranges, peaches, and pears. He will eat anything.

-Says da da

-loves to smile



I tried to take pictures of Creed this particular day and he was crawling everywhere and would cry when I tried to pick him up and position him for a picture and so this is what we got...snotty nose and all ;)


John and Brittney said...

He is so adorable! Love those beautiful eyes!

Veronica said...

Creed certainly melts my heart. He is grandma's blue-eyed charmer. I am so thankful for the time we have had with him when you have been out of town. It has been wonderful. He is precious. Love him to bits!

Todd and Megan said...

Oh I love that little guy so much...and those eyes!!! He is definitely a heartbreaker!

Laurel said...

LOVE the pictures. His eyes are piercing.