Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Blue Eyes...


My baby is 15 husband and I call him the human tornado...he eats more than most adults...he smiles and laughs...he says a few words...he sleeps 13 hours straight every night...he loves his binkie...he has big blue eyes...and we love him to pieces most of the time (wink wink)


Veronica said...

Those blue eyes melt my heart over and over!!!! Love that tornado!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...


Todd and Megan said...

That little boy is just so stinkin cute! And those eyes are to die for!!! Love, love, love that little cutie!!!

Laurel said...

Why do kids cause such a mess? At least they are so lovable and cute!

John and Brittney said...

Those eyes are amazing!! I'm so jealous that he sleeps that long. Lincoln has never recovered from Christmas... still waking up with him at 3 am every morning! Miss you guys.

Bobbi said...

I agree with everyone on his Amazing eyes! You seriously have some of the most Handsome boys Ever!

Steven and Whitney said...

I've missed your posts! So glad to see some pictures of your cute boys!

John and Brittney said...

His eyes are an amazing color. Such a cute little guy. We miss you guys.

Lindsay Heitz said...

Tornado...haha! What a little cutie.

Shelby said...

I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog. I'm going to check up on your cute family too. And I also found your recipe blog and I can't wait to try them out. You have great ideas!