Friday, November 16, 2007

The Birth

The belly...Just before the C-Section

Greg thinks he is as smart as the doctors!

The C-section was quite an experience. It was quite different from what I remembered from the last one. I could not really feel any pain when they put the spinal block in. Immediately my legs and stomach were numb and the procedure begun. Dr. Leavitt went quite slow at first removing the old c-section scar and the anticipation of hearing the baby cry was nerve racking. Dr. Leavitt started pulling the baby out and his hand wanted to come out first. After putting his hand back into my stomach, the pulling began. I about died when the 200 lb. assistant pushed on my belly for what seemed hours but was probably only 5 minutes, helping to get the baby out. Finally the baby is out and everybody had bets on how big he was. The doctor kept saying how huge he was when he was trying to pull the baby out. After just minutes the nurses shouted into the surgical area 8 lbs. 2 oz. 21 1/2 inches long. Wow, what a baby. I really can't believe he was shoved inside my belly. Oh yeah, I guess I can because I felt like crap the last few weeks.

Now that Crew was out, I finally felt like we made it through. But, after having Crew in the c-section room for only minutes, they took him away because his breathing didn't sound good. After many tests and one hour later, the doctors surrounded my bed in post-op and told me that Crew was going to have to be admitted to the NICU for 48 hours because his sugar levels were too low and not functioning properly. I was very sad knowing that I wouldn't have my sweet little baby in the room with me, but happy that we had such competent hospital staff watching out for him.

Crew in his incubator in the NICU

Greg taking care of Crew while I was in post-op

Crew with all his cords and wires hooked up to him

Crew being moved into an open bassinette in NICU

After being in the NICU for 48 hours, all of Crew's test came back looking good and they released him and he got to come into my room. YEAH! (Breath a sigh of Relief) Although everything turned out just fine, I have a whole new appreciation for families who have babies in the NICU for long periods of time. Just 48 hours was terribly hard, exhausting, and emotionally draining. We are just happy that today we came home from the hospital with our healthy baby boy Crew. We love him so much. He will be so fun to have around.

Colton and Cannon are so happy to be able to see and hold their brother

Cannon breaking out Crew

Yeah...We are bringing Crew home

As for me, I am recovering really well from the C-section. The first several hours after I had the c-section were pretty rough. After many hours of throwing up, I started feeling better and was able to finally go see and hold Crew. But, each day, I started feeling less sore and I feel like this recovery is going really well!

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