My good friend Shelly is so talented at a number of different things. One of her talents is photography. She was so nice to come take pictures of Crew today for his 4 month birthday. Thank you so much Shelly. I will cherish every single picture you took. I love each and every expression you captured. Here are a few, but go here to my new photo gallery website an check out all of the stinking cute pictures!
4 months old
-14 lbs. 26 inches long
-Loves to jabber a lot
-Loves his swing, bumbo, bouncer, and saucer. He has a good rotation going on
-Size 2 diapers
-Smiles so much
-Takes about 3 consistent naps a day
-Always wants to be held or have someone paying attention to him
-Loves his crib for naps
-Loves his light-up music thingy dingy in his crib
-Loves his binkie
-Is just starting to laugh
-Sleeps through the night most of the time
-Really goes with the flow
-Loves his car seat
-Loves car rides
-Sleeps really well in car seat
-Tags along anywhere we need to go
-Is a very very good baby
-He brings so much joy and love into our home
This past 4 months have flown by. I can still remember the day you were born. We are so lucky to have you Crew! WE love you!
Hi Emily its Morgan James, your old old next door neighbor:-D I saw your blog on your mom and laurels website so i'm checking it out! Your kids are AdOrAbLe! 3 little boys how fun! Well actually 4 because husbands are always considered LiTtLe BoYs! Hope your all doing well!
Em, he is way cute. He makes some very funny faces. Your mom told me there were some pictures of him that looked like you. I think that she is crazy, they are 100% Devries. There were some that if I didn't know better I would have thought that it was an old picture of Canon or especially Colton.
Shelly did do amazing with the pictures! I love Crew and your other two boys so much! You and Greg are amazing parents and I hope Brady and I can be as good as you two.
These pictures are so darling. I can't believe how much he has changed in the last month. He's getting such a fun little personality and I love his chubby cheeks. Shelly is a fabulous job.
Oh my goodness- Sienna sure has a cute boyfriend! Those pics are so stinkin cute! What a doll face. I can't believe how much bigger he looks. Hope things are going good for you & the boys. We will see you when we get back from our trip.
Those pictures are so dang cute!! The many different faces of Crew! I love the ones were he's just looking around thinking, "Whatever. . . get this over with as soon as possible!" Love ya all, I will see you on Monday!!
Those pictures of Crew are priceless! I have to keep looking at them and counting the time till I can hug and play with that wonderful cute little grandson! Love those three boys so much.
he is so cute! What darling pictures!
SO cute Mr. Crew. You are growing up waaaaay too fast.
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