Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Crew's 6 Month Stats...

This is more for my information, but here is Crew's 6 month stats...
16.25 lbs. and 27 inches long.
My boy is growing fast!


Veronica said...

Our baby is growing up way too fast! I love and adore that little boy....can't wait for a week with him....

Letti said...

He is getting so big. It looks like he is going to be tall.

Herriman Blue said...

Emily, What a doll!! Can you believe how fast it goes! Ryan is turning 1 this coming Sunday. Unreal. I loved your blog about your Mazatlan trip, I remember it too even though I didn't go! Sounds like things are going great!

Lori Jolley said...

Hi Emily! I found you from Ashley's blog exchange. Your family is so cute! I loved your Matt Damon story! How fun! Will you e-mail me your address please. I think I know just what to put in your package. This is so fun!