Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mommy's Boy...

Friday when I took Crew to the doctor for his well child check up, he had to get a few immunization shots.  That night he had a fever all night and the Tylenol/Ibuprofen were not helping it drop.  He was up all through the night.  Saturday he wanted nothing to do with anyone but me.  He wanted me to hold him all day.  He always is fine going to daddy, but not this day.  I enjoyed the cuddling, just not the whining!  On top of not feeling good from his shots he is getting a ton of teeth all at the same time and he also has some sort of cold virus.

His stats from his appointment...
Weight 23 lbs
Height 32 1/2 inches


Chereebee said...

what a cute pic of you and crew!! oh I hate when my kiddos get shots - they are JUST like crew, that is no fun! Hopefully he (and you) are sleeping better now! :)

Veronica said...

That picture of you two is PRICELESS! I love it! Glad he is a mommy's boy....can't wait to spoil him and make him want to be a grandma's boy! Counting the days till we see you!