What is his name? My husband's name is Greg, Gregory Ted, Hon, or Honey
How long have you been married? We have been married for 8 1/2 years. It seems just like yesterday. It has gone by so fast. I can still vividly remember our wedding day, or should I say our wedding night. (HE HE)
How long did you date? We dated 2 months. I guess we should have dated longer and my last name might not be DeVries. (Just Kidding) It only took me two months to be hooked on to Greg.
How old is he? He is 31 1/2. He already has many gray hairs. He just says gray hair shows if you are successful. That is a good way to look at it!
Who eats more sweets? I think we eat about the same. We both love ice cream though!
Who said I love you first? He said it first.
Who is taller? He definitely is.
Who can sing better? Greg has a good voice, he just doesn't let anyone know about it.
Who is smarter? I am, he just never really tried.
Who does the laundry? I do, I don't even think he knows how to start the washer. He helps fold and put away though.
Who pays the bills? I do, however, he knows exactly how much money is in our savings account and calls me on it if one cent is ever missing and I haven't told him about it.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does and I will not sleep on that side. So, I guess he sleeps on that side because I make him.
Who mows the lawn? He does. I mowed the lawn once when I was pregnant to try and help me go into labor and one other time. That time he told me the lines weren't straight. That was the last time I have ever mowed. I hate it.
Who cooks dinner? I do. He has never once cooked dinner. He always cooks breakfast though.
Who drives? He does. Thank you babe. I hate driving. I like to sleep. He never gets tired when he drives.
Who is more stubborn? I am. He definitely takes it when I am grumpy.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, but then I had a trampy moment and kept kissing him. I was on a dry spell because my missionary had left 6 months before that and I hadn't kissed anyone during that time.
Who asked who out first? He asked me to follow him to the car dealership to pick up his car during school one day. On our way to pick up his car, he said that since I took him to get his car, he owed me a date. Nice pick up line right?
Who proposed? He did.
Who has more siblings? We both have 5 kids in our family.
Who wears the pants? I do. I am very bossy. Sorry Greg.
Who am I tagging? Anyone who hasn't been tagged and reads my blog.
Just one note to leave on...
Love you honey. Thanks for 8 1/2 great years and 3 handsome sons!!!