Tuesday, February 26, 2008


O.K. everybody. I will do one more post about T.V. and then I will be done talking about it. Tonight we told our kids that there was no more T.V. They cried their hearts out. They were so sad thinking about not being able to watch their favorite cartoons. They include Scooby Doo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tom and Jerry, etc. My heart broke in two. I immediately told Greg that we needed to get cable back. But, then I thought about it for a minute and realized how addicted to T.V. my children are and I knew that we had made the right decision. I then proceeded to ask questions like, would you rather have your bike or T.V. They said bike. Would you rather have your WII or cartoons. They said WII. Would you rather have your waterslide or T.V. They said waterslide. They soon caught on and their tears dried up and then Colton asked, "Does this mean we can play Monopoly more as a family. I said yes. I am thankful for this decision we have made for our family. If it takes getting rid of the T.V. to focus more time on more important things in life, than I am glad that we did it. Hopefully we can stick with our decision.

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