Saturday, February 16, 2008


Isn't it fun to think about the past and what is to come?

Past, Present, Future
20 years ago
1. I was 8 years old and my family had recently moved from South Carolina to Utah and I was trying to make new friends.
2. Growing up too fast. My friend told me what the definition about the birds and the bees was (I was mortified) and I learned the truth about Christmas (So Sad).
3. I can't believe my Mom would let me walk out of the house looking like this!

10 years ago . . .
1. I had recently graduated from high school (1997)
2. Sent my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years on his mission and was devastated.
3. I had gone to UVSC for one and a half months and decided to come home and go to Weber State.
4. Met Greg in one of my sales classes.

5 years ago . .
1. Colton had just turned one.
2. Still adjusting to living in Idaho Falls.
3. Making new friends.


3 years ago . . .
1. We had just bought a lot to build a new home.
2. Cannon had just turned one.
3. Enjoyed being a stay at home Mom. Colton had just started preschool.

1 year ago . . .
1. We moved into our new home.
2. Were desperately trying to have a baby (A month later we found out we were pregnant)
3. Just got home from a Caribbean Cruise with our friends.

So far this year I . . .
1. Tried to offer and give more service.
2. Tried not to sweat the small stuff.
3. Got a new laptop and camera!
4. Enjoyed my new baby to the fullest!!!!

Yesterday I . . .
1. Went to lunch with Greg, Cannon, and Crew (Johnny Carino's)
2. Went Grocery Shopping.
3. Made soup for dinner and played cards with some friends.

Today . . .
1. Posted a Blog
2. Made a cake.
3. Going to a Scentsy party.

Tomorrow. . .
1. Start church meetings at 9:45 a.m. and get done with church at 4:30 p.m.
2. Cook a Sunday dinner (Roast/Mashed Potatoes and Gravy)YUM
3. Oh and did I say church. It will be a nine hour church day for me.

This year I will . . .
1. Try to enjoy my children and husband to the fullest.
2. Go on a week long trip to San Diego (June)
3. Try to build friendship and increase my testimony
4. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week to get rid of my pregnancy body (Summer is coming) Thanks Christine for being my gym buddy!
5. Budget and save $$$$$$$

You're tagged if you read this!!!

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